Sample Pigments Spilled = (

It's been a while since I've done any videos or even logged into my blog account. I'm trying to make more time to dedicate to my hobbies. So what better way than to start now. I had to do makeup this weekend and it came out awesome. For anyone who lives in California, this weekend was EXTRA hot. Something we don't get to enjoy often in the Peninsula side of the Bay Area. Well, I left my train case in my trunk as I enjoyed the rest of the sunny day. Little did I know, there was something unpleasant waiting for me. The next day, I brought my train case inside the house. I freshened up, and needed a lipstick out of my train case. As soon as I opened it; my sample sized pigments were unscrewed, spilled all over the first tray. I was so upset and sad. Some colors were samples that I got from other people, some were limited colors and other discontinued colors. Luckily, not all of the sample jars opened. Either way, it was a pain to clean it up and see all those pretty colors go to waste.

So, I take this as a sign that I've been neglecting my makeup. I am definitely gonna start making time to play with all my goodies and that'll help me make sure nothing happens like this again. Hopefully. Hope to post a new video soon!

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